Virginia & Roger

Hayes and MX man at central. we love hayes :)
monday - raining like hell.
tuesday- did some geo group work at my house then just watched fear factor (why are all the contestants bimbo blondes?). Theo kept pointing out the blonde female contestants usually large breasts. nice to know :) And we watched awful japanese game shows. Afterwards we went creative arts night, which was fun. i swear everybody now just performs either hey soul sister or baby.
wednesday - went library with lok, hayes & florence. did my 3 maths h/w questions :) Then went wing chun with paul doan , which is honestly full of old & frail men.
thursday - usyd info night was fun as well.laurence ye was sleeping during the talk. we ate and i cant believe that florence bought sweet and sour pork!! ah well, i bought black been beef :)
got home at 10:30, also on the train policeman told me to pay $50!! but then obviously he was joking. at least i beat kelivn & florence in cod 4 aye :D
friday - guitar lessons,same as usual. saw vincent leee in eastwood with his nice little brother. waited in the cyclonic rain for 30 minutes and was 25 cents short of honey green milk tea D:
another week gone by. same old, same old :)
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