japan '10 was the best,
sadly i have to write an essay and write notes and study. oh well moments are short lived, the closest to relive them is PHOTOGRAPHS. here are all the great group shots in japan!
(but obviously there are many many more photos :D i shall post them soon)
LAST group shot before we leave. eddie posing once again haha.
miho.jen.lui (who actually looks quite tall).
universal studios is the BEST. good rides!
universal studios, posing infront of jaws ;D
walking through universal studios, theo walking out of sync. what a rebel!
photoshoot of baulko + meisei high students
close up (daniel's sexy pose, lui looking pissed, joseph looking sad)
group shot infront of GOLD house.
BEST group shoot of us infront of temple.
joseph.wynston.justin. & MR FILEWOOD. LOL
chou & liang. with the 19 year old jap friends :D
group shot with our 19 yr old friends. and me and eddie posing again
some coool yr 11 kids. sam,li,stephanie,jen,zac,miho (& jono chou)
GROUP SHOT at fuji q highlands amusement park. LOLd at eddie chen
us infront of dog statue in SHIBUYA!
first group shot at some very nice looking garden in iidobashi,tokyo. good times.

lui,jen,zac,stephanie & kelvin. love the polaroids & claw machine arcades..